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Monero Observer – vdo releases ‘’ v0.3.1


3 Jun 2022


vdo has released v0.3.1 of, a Docker-based single command Monero node bootstrapper script: script wizard sets up a new server running a monero node daemon with Docker compose, with your choice of SSL certificates for your domain, network selection, a Tor hidden service, Grafana dashboard and more.


  • Grafana dashboard
  • Local volumes
  • Uninstall script

The script makes it easy for anyone to run a Monero node on any server running Debian 11, Ubuntu Focal or Fedora 36, with a single command:

sudo bash -c "$(curl  -sLSf"

Note that for a more secure production deployment, it is recommended to clone the source code and proceed manually.

To learn more about the project, consult the project’s code repository and FAQ section.


Source link

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