Monero Observer – rehrar announces beta version of ‘Stack Wallet’, a multicoin mobile wallet that supports Monero

Monero Observer – rehrar announces beta version of ‘Stack Wallet’, a multicoin mobile wallet that supports Monero

October 11, 2022 by keithhill530
[ad_1] 22 Sep 2022 [wallets] rehrar has announced Stack Wallet (beta v1.4.45/build_0060), an open source multicoin lightwallet that supports XMR, BTC, Dogecoin, Epic Cash, Firo Cash and Firo: Introducing Stack Wallet, a new FOSS-licensed open source, multicoin, lightwallet that respects your privacy. We proudly support Bitcoin. We proudly support Monero. Do you have shitcoins? We


22 Sep 2022


rehrar has announced Stack Wallet (beta v1.4.45/build_0060), an open source multicoin lightwallet that supports XMR, BTC, Dogecoin, Epic Cash, Firo Cash and Firo:

Introducing Stack Wallet, a new FOSS-licensed open source, multicoin, lightwallet that respects your privacy. We proudly support Bitcoin. We proudly support Monero. Do you have shitcoins? We have wallets for some of those too with more on the way, but we aren’t proud of it.

Features overview

  • All private keys and seeds stay on device and are never shared.
  • Easy backup and restore feature [..]
  • Trading cryptocurrencies through our partners.
  • Custom address book
  • Favorite wallets with fast syncing
  • [..]

Consult the wallet’s code repository for the complete list of features and build instructions.

The release notes for the latest version, the .APK download and the SHA256 hashes can also be found on Github.

Stack Wallet is currently available for Android and iOS users, but a desktop version could be released soon, potentially in a month.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.


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